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Monday, September 8, 2014

Bikini Ready Energy Gummies Review

Bikini Ready Energy Gummies

"New Bikini Ready Energy Gummies are a great tasting vitamin B-12 supplement with caffeine that acts as an energy booster. Along with a healthy diet and exercise program, this scientifically advanced formula helps boost your metabolism. Bikini Ready Energy Gummies are a guilt-free pick me up.
Bikini Ready Energy Gummies will help you become a healthier, lighter you." - Quoted from Bikini Ready Energy Gummies Site

I am going to disect the above statement that I copied and pasted from the Bikini Ready website.

First of all, it says "great tasting". Well, I'm going to go with a big fat NO on that one. I do not think it is worthy of the word great.
The two gummies in my sample packet were red and purple.
The red one wasn't horrible but it definitely wasn't "great" as they say. As for the purple one, can you say YUCK? If you can, good job cause that's what it was! I would have spit it out but I wanted to test how the product actually worked.

Now along with any dietary supplement you should have a "healthy diet and exercise program". Ok let's be honest, we should have that regardless of taking a supplement. Am I right or am I right?

As for boosting my metabolism, I don't believe it truly had an effect. Now maybe it would be different in the long term but I only had two gummies to sample. Ergo I cannot say, honestly, whether that is fact or not.

I can, however, attest to these gummies being an energy booster. I did get a good jolt to my system that kicked me up a notch. There wasn't much of a crash later either. Which is always something I hate with energy boosters, such as energy drinks and whatnot. Though these were vitamin B-12 gummies with caffeine. So it makes sense that it wouldn't have the same reaction as energy drink type boosters.
On another note, I did get an instant headache when I first ate them. BUT I am a bit sensitive to high amounts of caffeine. If you cannot handle the caffeine I would not suggest trying these out.

Other than that, if you can get past the taste, then have at it and give 'em a try. If you like them and it works for you then awesome.

Keep on keepin' on!


This product was received for testing purposes from Influenster.


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